Nursery Schools in Okehampton Ofsted ratings

All providers who offer care and education must be registered with and inspected by Ofsted – Office for Standards in Education.
Ofsted believes that inspection is the best way to serve the public through encouraging high standards and helping settings to improve and succeed.
Ofsted checks that regulatory requirements are being met – things such as staff qualifications, ratio’s and First Aid requirements – and that the premises are safe and secure.
In addition, Ofsted look at the quality of the provision and make a judgement on this, which is then published in a report. They look at the learning that is taking place, how that learning is presented, and if it puts children’s needs and interests at the forefront.
Inspectors look at the quality of teaching offered by individual practitioners and the team as a whole, evaluating how well practitioners know the children in their care, the experiences children arrive with, and how effectively they plan for, and deliver, children’s future learning and development.
We employ a highly skilled team of care and education specialists to make sure our nurseries give all children the best possible start to their education. We see inspections as a positive opportunity to demonstrate our strengths and quality
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